Friday, April 15, 2016

Catch What We Did In March 2016

The month of March grabbed us by our necks and made my planner a colorful book of tasks and appointments. We were booked to our ears in doctors appointments, birthday parties, must do lists, and the things that come on a daily basis. We ran out our front door half clothed and tooth paste on our chins way to many times. Running late seemed to be a reacquiring event for us in the early mornings of March. Being night owls left us with 3-4 hours of sleep for 12-16 hour days. It stunk but we made it through and hopefully learned our lesson as April has been a lot easier.

Physical Therapy Appointments : Twice a week since the last week of February to the first week of April, physical therapy has been an adventure. Travis loves these sessions, I mean tears of joy, pain are coming out of his eyes every time we leave. Afterwards he feels a little better and seems to have more motivation in his knee. After two weeks of therapy Travis improved by 13% then by our last session in March that increased to 32% improvement. Now that we have finished our sessions we are being recommended to a PCL Specialist who creates custom braces. Travis even had the option to select the color of brace he will be sporting for the next three to six months. He choose black, how original.

Birthday Parties : In the middle of March we spent a beautiful Friday night at a local bar in the big city to celebrate one of my close friends birthday. He turned the BIG 29 and wanted to bring in the new age with lots of alcohol and good times. Since most of the guests who attended also wanted to partake in the alcohol and good times, Travis and I took the duty of babysitting. Before we even arrived to the bar a quarter of our group was already drunk and the rest were well on their way. By the end of the night the birthday boy was being carried out of the bar and sober drivers were being tortured on the way home. We had a blast and the memories will never be forgotten.

Car Repairs : Since the end of Fall, Travis and I have been up to our ears in car repairs for our 2003 Chevy Blazer. Our March visit to a new mechanic and dear friend of mine takes the cake in our all around car repair experiences. After retrieving our vehicle out of the shop in January, our ability to turn right was extremely restricted and it sucked. Have you ever tried parking a car without being able to make a sharp right turn? After dealing with this for a few months, I reached out to a friend who is a mechanic at a local car dealership. He looked it over and in a matter of fifteen minutes the problem was found and fixing it was quite simple. All we had to do was put a right tie rod on the right tire, funny thing is we just had our tie rods replaced in December. Strange right? I guess our old mechanic didn't understand that a left tie rod wasn't made to go under the right tire. Which naturally caused the tie rod to grind down our rim and restrict our capability of turning right. So after paying our old mechanic $577.00 in December.We had to shell out another $400.00 to purchase a new tie rod that we already paid for. Great Stuff!

Chicken Pox : As children Travis and I experienced the itchy moments of chicken pox but unfortunately my mother did not. One night my mom contacted me asking to take her to the hospital because she could hardly breath and felt itchy all over the place. She believe that she was having an allergic reaction to something. Doing what any daughter would do, I took her itchy butt to the hospital, and three hours later we were sent home with no answers. The only test they took was a drug test and when that came back negative they suddenly seemed confused. When the anti-itch medicine wasn't working they just assumed she was having a reaction to the new work environment my mom had begun the week prior. So they sent us home with a few pills, hoping they would help comfort her until the symptoms were relieved. Within 24 hours all of the bumps became blisters and the itchiness increased rapidly. Luckily we had already scheduled an appointment with her primary doctor for the following Monday. As soon as her doctor laid eyes on her the diagnoses was clear, my mom had adult chicken pox. The following week was filled with trying to avoid skin to skin contact and lots of medicine.

When we were able to kick back and relax, we were able to cuddle up with our puppies and watch some of our favorite TV shows. Thank you for Netflix and Hulu! Other times we were cramming boxes with winter clothes, throwing out unwanted property, and preparing for our move. What did the month of March do to your calendar? 

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